Thesis Defenses

THESIS DEFENSE: Jamie Purcell – Available On-Demand!

Chemical Alteration of Granodioritic – Tonalitic Saprock and Mixed Plutoniclastic/Metamorphiclastic Alluvium: Exploring the Use of Sieving to Enhance Compositional Linear Trends Jamie PurcellM.S. Candidate Department of […]

THESIS DEFENSE: Brandi Denton – Available On-Demand!

Modeling Plane Strain (MPS), An Interactive C# Program Brandi DentonM.S. Candidate Department of Geological Sciences San Diego State University Advisor Dr. Gary Girty Wednesday, December 10th, 2014 CSL […]

THESIS DEFENSE: Brian Rockwell – Available On-Demand!

Petrological and Geochemical Evidence for Polygenetic Development of Regolith at Santa Margarita Ecological Reserve, Southern California, USA Brian RockwellM.S. Candidate Department of Geological Sciences San Diego […]

THESIS DEFENSE: Robert Mordecai – Available On-Demand!

Ground Motion Directivity Effects Derived from 3D Rough-fault Earthquake Simulations Robert MordecaiB.S. Candidate Department of Geological Sciences San Diego State University Advisor Dr. Kim Bak Olsen […]