Simulation of shear-wave splitting in a transversely isotropic medium

Scott Knapp

Scott Knapp
Advisor: Dr. Shuo Ma

Friday May 4th, 2018
CSL 422 – 11:20 to 11:40 am
watch Scott’s defense

Anisotropy in crustal seismic wave propagation has been well documented by measurements of shear-wave splitting, i.e., shear waves arrive at different times due to directional dependence of wave speeds.  One mechanism for crustal anisotropy is that microcracks tend to align along the maximum compressive stress in the region, such that the wave speed is faster along the maximum compressive direction. In this project, I use a finite element scheme to model transverse isotropy (the simplest anisotropy model) in a 3D medium. By observing cross-sectional images of model output and analyzing seismograms on the free surface, shear-wave splitting is clearly observed.