Using Seismic Refraction to map the Crown Cove Fault Zone in the San Diego Bay

Liam Schramm
BS Candidate
Advisor: Dr. Jillian Maloney
Monday, May 10, 2021
10:30 am
watch Liam’s talk
The southern extent of the Rose Canyon fault zone in the San Diego Bay splays out into a large and complex pull-apart basin known as the San Diego Basin. Due to their size and complexity, many of the faults within the basin have not been precisely examined. One of these faults, known as the Crown Cove fault is inferred to cause an uplifted “pop-up” structure within the Crown Cove area of San Diego Bay. This fault was partially mapped beneath the Bay and is believed to trend to the southwest across the Silver Strand. Without detailed mapping and a full tectonic history of this fault, the seismic hazard it may present to the region is unknown. In this study, we employ seismic refraction surveys in an attempt to map the southern extension of the Crown Cove fault to identify where it may cross the Silver Strand. The seismic refraction surveys did not conclusively identify the fault passing through the Silver Strand, but with more survey lines and higher resolution data the fault is likely to be located. With a more complete fault map of the area, the seismic hazard assessment for the Silver Strand can be improved.