Spring 2020 BS Candidates Faith Burkett Reconstruction of Late Quaternary Offsets Along the Southernmost Elsinore Fault Zone Using High Resolution SfM Imagery BS CandidateAdvisor: Dr. Tom Rockwell Defense: May 8th, 2020 10amvia zoom Javaria Aziz Physical Volcanology of Fragmented Volcanic Rocks in the Miocene Jacumba/Alverson Volcanics, Devil’s Canyon, California BS CandidateAdvisor: Dr. Vic Camp Defense: May 8th, 2020 10:30amvia zoom Sarah Doolittle Ophiomorpha and Gyrolithes ichnofaunal associations, Early-Mid Eocene Delmar Formation, Del Mar North Beach, San Diego, California BS CandidateAdvisor: Dr. Allen Gontz and Bonnie Bloeser Defense: May 8th, 2020 11amvia zoom Kyle Armendariz Geology and Volcanology of the Cerro Siete Colores caldera complex, Mendoza Province, Argentina BS CandidateAdvisor: Dr. Dave Kimbrough Defense: May 8th, 2020 11:30amvia zoom Evaluationg Future Groundwater Sustainability in Kern County, California under SGMA Regulations using MODFLOW BS CandidateAdvisor: Dr. Matt Weingarten Defense: May 8th, 2020 1:30pmvia zoom Hannah Carney Quantifying Dry Weather Flow Sources Using Stable Isotopes in San Diego County, CA BS CandidateAdvisor: Dr. Trent Biggs Defense: May 8th, 2020 2pmvia zoom