Career Planning: The GIT and the Professional Geologist License

Laurie RaccaLaurie Racca
Professional Geologist

Wednesday, December 4th, 2019
CSL 422 – 1pm


The Geologist in Training (GIT) certificate is the first step toward licensure as a Professional Geologist. Learn about the laws and regulations that govern the practice of geology in California and why being licensed is important to your future success.  Topics covered will include:

¨ What is a professional license?

¨ Why is a license required for geologists?

¨ Responsibilities of a Licensed Professional

¨ What do all these terms/acronyms mean?

¨ Learn about the recent updates to the qualification requirements to obtain a GIT certificate and the PG license.

¨ National ASBOG Exams and California State Exam

¨ How does having a license affect my career options?

¨ What is a GIT?

¨ Why should I get a GIT?

Finding a job once you’ve got your degree can be a daunting prospect. Here’s your chance to get the perspective of a licensed geologist on the entire career process (resume, interviews, job experience, licensure), and to learn how the GIT can give you credibility when applying for jobs in both private industry and with the State of California.