Geology and Environmental Science Careers at Rincon

Jennifer DiCenzo
Paleontological Program Manager
Rincon Consultants, Inc.
Wednesday, November 17, 2021
1pm – CSL 422
or via zoom
Summary: Rincon Consultants, Inc. was founded in 1994 and has grown to be a leading environmental consulting firm throughout California. Our guiding principles and core values hold strong to this day, including providing responsive professional services to both public and private sector clients throughout the state. Our employees are leaders in their professional fields and continually work together to produce high-quality products. We employ both senior and junior associates that all bring a unique knowledge and set of skills to the table including certified urban planners, noise and air quality experts, LEED Accredited Professionals, professional geologists, QSP/D professionals, hydrogeologists, certified engineering geologists, toxicologists, qualified wildlife biologists, certified wetland specialists, botanists, paleontologists, archaeologists, and visual information specialists.
Our firm is comprised of six technical groups, Environmental Sciences & Land Use Planning, Biological Resources, Site Assessment & Remediation, Water Resources, Sustainability Services, and Cultural Resources (which includes paleontology), each of which is led by a principal of the firm. To support these groups and to conduct specialized projects, we maintain a GIS & Graphic Communications group that provides technical support for our projects. Our administration group offers firm wide support in the areas of accounting and cost tracking and reporting, human resources, technological systems operation and maintenance, and equipment and supply management.
Rincon Consultants is ranked 2021 “Best Environmental Services Firm to Work For” by Zweig Group.
Bio: Ms. DiCenzo has over 10 years of fieldwork and consulting experience in California paleontology and archaeology, and is currently the Paleontological Program Manager at Rincon Consultants. She received her B.A. degree in anthropology with a focus in archaeology and a minor in geology with a focus on paleontology, at San Diego State University in 2012. She has made substantial contributions supervising field staff, surveying, construction mitigation monitoring, data recovery, fossil salvage, laboratory fossil preparation, writing technical assessments, developing and administering monitoring and mitigation plans, report writing, managing projects, business development, and graphic design. Ms. DiCenzo has coordinated compliance monitoring on a range of projects including renewable energy project, transmission line projects, housing and commercial developments, transportation projects, and utility projects. She has written or supervised the preparation of numerous technical documents including paleontological resources assessments and technical reports, impact analyses, paleontological mitigation and monitoring plans, paleontological sections of if environmental impact reports, environmental assessment reports, initial studies for mitigated negative declarations, paleontological monitoring reports, and paleontological survey reports.