Earthquake Science and Applied Geophysics
Joint Doctoral Program
A new, challenging program of graduate study leading to a Joint Ph.D. in Geophysics has been initiated by the University of California, San Diego, Scripps Institution of Oceanography and San Diego State University.
San Diego State University and University of California San Diego are accepting applications for the Joint Doctoral Program in Geophysics. The SDSU/UCSD Joint Program provides full access to the Geophysics curriculum of UCSD’s Scripps Institution of Oceanography, with additional specialized courses and research opportunities offered by SDSU faculty. Assistantships for Fall 2016 are available for research in earthquake physics and strong motion, fault zone structure and dynamics, quantitative paleoseismology, and computational seismology. Successful candidates must meet doctoral admissions requirements of both universities.
How to Apply
First, follow the graduate steps to apply.
Then, submit to the department: (email or mail)
- Three letters of reference
- Curriculum Vitae/Resume
- An essay describing applicant’s purpose of seeking the PhD
Geophysics JDP Program
San Diego State University
5500 Campanile Dr.
San Diego, CA 92182-1020
Fall 2016 Deadline
Step 1: CSUMentor Application—October 1st to December 14th
Step 2 and 3: File Completion—January 10th
All application materials including departmental requirements must be submitted by the file completion date.
Application to partner institution, University of California San Diego, occurs after applicants are recommended for admission by SDSU.
For further information, see, or send inquiries to Professor Kim Bak Olsen (