The Awona W. Harrington Scholarship Fund was established in August, 1984, by friends of Awona, following her tragic death as the victim of a drunk driver. Her professional life was devoted to developing and enlarging San Diego State University Library’s excellent research collection in science and technology. Awona began her career here at SDSU in 1949 and retired as Science Librarian in 1980. During her career here she was a valued asset always ready to aid students from Department of Geological Sciences in their research efforts. She was a friend and confidant to our students and an esteemed colleague to the faculty and staff. Her day seemed to brighten when she had the opportunity to spend a few minutes with a geology student looking for some long lost and forgotten publication needed for an undergraduate research paper. These precious moments spent together fostered feelings of being special and important in the world of undergraduate research. Following her retirement she was also a volunteer, friend, and associate of the Astronomy Department and Mount Laguna Observatory where she involved herself and with energy and devotion to Observatory administration and public relations. Awona was a friendly, outgoing person, yet also quiet and self-effacing – a person of great warmth, generosity, and humor. The Awona Harrington scholarship is awarded to students showing distinction in the areas of paleontology or stratigraphy.