Geology undergraduate and graduate students gathered for the annual procession across the stage at Viejas Arena to commemorate their hard work and dedication towards earning their degree. This academic year the department is saying good bye, good luck, and keep in touch to 7 master’s and 20 undergraduate geology students along with 43 Environmental Sciences undergraduates. We are so proud of you all!
Of this graduating class, a handful defended their research to the department (full list of student theses) during Thesis Defense Day held on May 6, 2022. As is tradition, the attending alumni evaluated each presentation and voted to award the best undergraduate and graduate presentations. The alumni agreed that this year undergraduate Danny Knorr and graduate William Buckley earned this honor. Congratulations to Danny and Will!

Danny Knorr – Winner of the Alumni voted best Undergraduate Thesis Presentation
Thesis title: Building Out a Monitoring Well Database to Evaluate Future Groundwater Sustainability in the Southern Central Valley

William Buckley – Winner of the Alumni voted best Graduate Thesis Presentation
Thesis title: Estimating slip distribution along the southernmost ~80 km of the San Andreas fault by examining tectonically offset geomorphic features.