SDSU Researchers show that the disappearing Salton Sea might explain why the San Andreas fault is overdue for a big earthquake. The last three hundred […]
SDSU Researchers show that the disappearing Salton Sea might explain why the San Andreas fault is overdue for a big earthquake. The last three hundred […]
Analysis of the depositional stratal geometry of the Fish Creek-Vallecito Basin in the northwest Salton Trough, southern California Adan SilvaBS CandidateAdvisor: Dr. Rafael Almeida Friday, […]
Cortes Basin offshore landslide interpretation: Implications for engineering projects Sofia Tovar QuinteroBS CandidateAdvisor: Dr. Jillian Maloney Friday, May 4, 202310 am in CSL 422watch Sofia’s […]
Analysis of the depositional stratal geometry of the Fish Creek-Vallecito Basin in the northwest Salton Trough, southern California Adan SilvaBS CandidateAdvisor: Dr. Rafael Almeida Friday, […]
How does fault strike change along strike-slip ruptures? A comparison between fault segments and their regional stress field Vanessa HerreraBS CandidateAdvisor: Dr. Jillian Maloney Friday, […]