The fundamental stress equations derived in Chapter 5.2 can be rearranged as follows:
Normal Stress (sn)
Shear Stress (t)
(20) |
(22) |
(21) | (23) |
Adding equations (21) and (23) gives:
(24) |
(25) |
Now recall that:
substituting this relationship into the right hand side of equation (25) results in:
(26) |
Recall from your college algebra class that the equation of a circle drawn in a x-y coordinate system is:
where r is the radius of the circle and (h,k) are the coordinates of the center of the circle. Comparing equations (26) and (27) reveals that the fundamental stress equations define a circle in sn-t space centered on the point:
with a radius of:
Figure 15 illustrates a circle constructed from equation (26).
This circle represents the locus of all possible normal and shear stresses for a given state of stress acting on planes whose normals make an angle of q degrees to s1 (Figure 16).
Structural geologists refer to Figures 15 and 16 as "Mohr diagrams" after the German engineer Otto Mohr (1835-1918) who first introduced them over a century ago. Note further that the average stress is simply:
Average Stress
or, in three dimensions:
Average Stress in Three Dimensions
In a Mohr diagram, average stress is the center of the Mohr Circle. Differential stress is the difference between the maximum and minimum principal stresses. In a 2-dimensional Mohr diagram it is the diameter of the Mohr circle.