Study Guide - Geology 306 - Exam I - October 2004
(1) Can you define strike and dip?
(2) Can you tell me the differences between lithostratigraphic, time-stratigraphic, and geologic-time units?
(3) Can you list in descending order the time-stratigraphic and geologic-time units of the geologic column?
(4) Can you define the term contact?
(5) Can you tell me what kinds of sedimentary structures you would use to determine if a bed was upright or overturned?
(6) Can you sketch for me a classical turbidite and label the key 5 Bouma intervals?
(7) Can you sketch examples of the key three types of unconformities and describe for me how they are different?
(8) Can you sketch for me the conventional map symbols for an upright and overturned bed?
(9) Can you tell me where pillow lava forms and why it might be useful to a structural geologist?
(10) How does stress differ from strain?
(11) Can you tell me the four components of deformation?
(12) Can you tell me how a profile view of a fold differs from a cross-sectional view?
(13) Can you provide be a technical definition for anticline and syncline?
(14) Can you sketch and discuss the two types of dip-slip faults that we discussed?
(15) Can you sketch and discuss the two types of strike-slip faults that we discussed?
(16) Can you tell me how you would classify an oblique-slip fault?
(17) Can you sketch an example of a dip-slip fault and label the hanging and footwall blocks?
(18) Can you sketch for me the conventional map symbols for dip-slip and strike-slip faults?
(19) Can you tell me what the tip line represents?
(20) Can you sketch a classical thrust fault labeling the allochthon, autochthon, window, and klippe?
(21) Can you tell me how slickensides differ from slickenlines?
(22) Can you tell me how fault gouge and fault breccia differ from cataclasite?
(23) Can you tell discuss and sketch a family of R, R', and P shears?
(24) Can you explain to me how a conjugate strike-slip fault system might be useful?
(25) Can you tell how a transcurrent fault differs from transform faults?
(27) Can you sketch a duplex, and label the roof, floor, and horses?
(28) Can you sketch a thrust fault with a flat and ramp?
(30) Can you sketch an example of an imbricated normal fault?
(31) Can you sketch a dip-slip fault and label (a) the heave and throw, and (b) the slip vector?
(32) Can you tell me why you need a piercing point to define the slip vector?
(33) Can you sketch a releasing bend and tell me what kind of structure you might find in association with such a feature?
(34) Can you sketch a restraining bend and tell me what kind of structure you might find in association with such a feature?
(35) Can you tell me how you would distinguish a bed from a lamination?
(36) Can you tell me how a joint differs from a fault?
(37) Can you tell me how a mylonite differs from a cataclasite?
(38) Can you tell me how rake or pitch differ from plunge?
(39) Can you tell me how you would recognize a shear band or C surface from an S surface in an SC mylonite?
(40) Can you plot the attitude of a foliation and lineation using the conventional symbols for each structure on a map?
(41) Can you recognize and describe a mylonitic stretching lineation?
(42) Given a 20 km thick section of crust composed of granite, and a geothermal gradient of approximately 30oC/km, where would you predict the brittle/brittle-plastic transition and brittle-plastic transition/plastic boundaries to be located?
(43) Can you sketch the fabric of a normal-sense SC mylonite as viewed in the XZ section?
(44) Given a block diagram, can you sketch in the fabric of a reverse-sense SC mylonite and label the X, Y, and Z principal strain directions?
(45) Can you tell me what the interlimb angle is and why it is significant?
(46) Can you tell me what the median surface is?
(47) Can you tell me how to recognize an asymmetric versus symmetric fold?
(48) Can you tell me how to classify a fold based on the dip of its axial surface?
(49) Can you tell me how to classify a fold based on its interlimb angle?
(50) Can you tell me what the hinge line and axial surface are?