Study Guide – Exam II – Fall 2003
1. Can you identify a
great circle on a stereonet?
2. Can you identify a
small circle on a stereonet?
3. Can you plot the
attitude of a plane on a stereonet?
4. Can you plot the pole
to a plane on a stereonet?
5. Can you plot the
attitude of a line on a stereonet?
6. Given the following
data, can you solve for the attitude of the axial surface and hingeline, and
the interlimb angle? Limb1: N30W, 60NE.
Limb2: NS, 40 W. Ans: N16W, 80SW; 6 at N21W;
84 degrees
7. Can you fully classify
the fold described in 6? Ans: plunging, upright, open fold
8. Given the following data,
can you solve for the attitude of the axial surface and hingeline, and the
interlimb angle? Limb1: N40E, 80SE. Limb2: N60W, 50NE. Ans: N74E, 71NW; 48@N51E;
89 degrees
9. Can you fully classify
the fold described in 8?
10. Given the following
data, can you solve for the attitude of the axial surface and hingeline,
and the
interlimb angle? Limb1: N20W, 80SW. Limb2: N30E, 40SE. Ans: NS, 69E; 30@S20E;
74 degrees?
11. Can you tell me how a
profile view of a fold might differ from a cross-sectional view?
12. Given a cross-section
striking N50W, and a bedding attitude of NS, 40W, what is the apparent dip of
the bed in the plane of the cross-section?
Ans: 32 NW
13. Given an anticline
with a hingeline attitude of 40 @ N20W, and a bedding attitude on the SW limb
of N23E, 50NW, what is the pitch of the bed in the plane of the profile of the
fold? Ans: 34 SW?
14. Can you tell me what
you might look for as evidence of faulting in the field?
15. Can you tell me what
the xenith point is and how it is used in the construction of a stereonet?
16. Can you tell me how a
symmetric fold differs from an asymmetrical fold?
17. Can you tell me what
the hingeline of a fold is?
18. Can you tell me what
the axial surface of a fold is?
19. Can you tell me how
the map pattern for a plunging syncline would differ from that of a non-plunging
20. Can you tell me how
the map pattern for a plunging anticline would differ from that of a non-plunging
21. Can you explain to me
how you would determine the direction of plunge of an anticline from a geologic
map of such a structure?
22. Can you explain to me
how you would determine the direction of plunge of a syncline from a geologic
map of such a structure?
23. Can you recognize the
map pattern of a doubly plunging anticline?
24. Can you recognize the
map pattern of a doubly plunging syncline?
25. Can you tell me what
the words culmination and depression refer to?
26. Can you tell me how a
similar fold differs from a parallel fold?
27. Can you describe for
me the triangulation method that you would use in the field to locate yourself
on a topographic map?
28. Can you tell me what
the following terms refer to: microscopic, mesoscopic, macroscopic?
29. Can you tell me what
the orthographic projection plane is?
30. Can you list in
ascending or descending order the Eonothems/Eons, Eratherms/Eras, and
Systems/Periods of the geologic column?
31. Can you plot and
recognize the key elements of a fold on a geologic map, e.g., trace of axial
surface, attitude of hingeline, type of fold?
32. Can you sketch for me
a dextral (right-lateral) sense asymmetric fold?
33. Can you sketch for me
a sinistral (left-lateral) sense asymmetric fold?
34. Can you tell me how
you would determine the asymmetry of a fold in the field?
35. Can you recognize the
map pattern of plunging and non-plunging folds?
36. If you were exploring
for hydrocarbon accumulations can you tell me what kind of fold (anticline or
syncline) you would search for?
37. Can you explain to me
the mechanism of flexural-slip folding?
38. Can you define a
cylindrical fold?
39. Can you define a non-cylindrical
40. Can you tell me what a
generator line is?
41. Can you describe for
me the difference between a disharmonic and harmonic fold?